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How to create a Live Stream on your WordPress site

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Live streaming is becoming highly popular and with most social media and other popular platform providing this functionality with ease the demand for the same is ever increasing. But you see free WP themes websites you will not find a lot of live streaming functionality. Not many businesses and websites have used this kind of service. The scene, however, is changing now and with the increasing requirement of the online presence, the websites now require a live streaming option. The effect of the live streaming videos is that they boost the engagement of the visitors on the site. The visitors often come back to check the pulse of the event and even to relive the moment or see what they have missed.

What to do to start live streaming?
One of the most important things that you must think about before starting live streaming is that the WordPress theme that you are using should support it. It is different to add videos and images using plug-ins and adding a feature of live streaming is a different function. Not all themes are compatible with it and thus the users should first carefully think about it. You can choose a theme which is compatible with it or checks if your theme can deal with multimedia files. Two very popular WordPress themes for the purpose are Live Theme and the Video Press theme.

The theme will then require the use of video platforms that will record and share the videos on your website. The most popular video platforms that are used are YouTube, Webnethosting, Livestream, Ustream etc.

Also, Twitter has a very popular smartphone app called Periscope which allows users to stream anything they like and share it on the social media channels. These videos are all deleted after 24 hours which makes them very popular as the users feel that if they have missed watching them they will be gone forever. People who see these videos can comment on them and like and shares like any other video or media. The websites might not find this option very useful but they can use it for their social profiles.
The website owners have some other ways of adding live streaming to their pages which can be done by using

1) Google Hangouts on Air and adding it to the WordPress
2) Webcam Live and adding it to the WordPress
3) MEERKAt live stream and adding it to the WordPress
4) Nomadcast and add it to the WordPress

Use of Plug-in
The free WP themes created a great website which has a lot of in-built functionalities. WordPress has always made efforts to support the users in every way they can. There are these live streaming plug-ins provided by WordPress which do a great job at adding this functionality to the websites. The most popular name in this list is VideoWhsiper Live Streaming which is easy to use and can be managed right from the dashboard like any other plug-in. The plug-in comes with documentation that tells you all the steps which are required to be followed to for setting it up. It has a lot of great features as well. The options available for the users are many for social media there are different options and for professional and big website there are different. They all come with high functionality and has great features.

The outcomes will define the functionality that will be used. Each type of video broadcast will require specific tools. It is a very interesting and fun way to attract visitors to the site. When you are broadcasting something popular then you can increase the traffic manifolds.